Saturday, December 1, 2012

Coin of your life

Time is the coin of your life, it is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent, be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. antichresis anticryptic antichthon establishment disarianism anti antigalactic antigropelos antilapsarianism antilogarithm antilegomena antilogy antilogism antimony antimnemonic antinomianism antinomy antipedobaptism antiperistasis antitypy antiphrasis antiphon antiscian antipudic antithesis antithalian antistrophe antonomasia anuptaphobia antrorse antre anuresis anzactile apercu apagoge apantomancy apaesthesia apatetic anurous apanage aorist aphemia aphagia aperient apheresis apay aphidicide aphesis aphologistic aphicide aphthong aphrodisiomania aluminiferous altricial aludel amyous amygdaloid amyloid ampliative amrita ampulla anacamptic anabiosis anacampserote anacathartic anacardic anachoric analyn anabasis analys ancipitous ancillary ancistroid anaudia anchorite anbury anconoid ancon ancoral androphagy anele aneabil andiron andragogy ancress andromania androlepsia androcracy anacrusis anacrisis anacusic anaesthesiology anaerectic anagalactic anadem anadiplosis anadromous anacoluthon anaclastic anaclitic anaglyph anaglyptics anaglyptography anemology anemometer anemophilous angelolatry angelocracy angary anemography anemograph anemocracy anfractuous anesis aneuria anencephalic anent anergia altisonant altiloquence altitonant alpenstocker alpestrine alphenic alternatim altarage alterity almuce alnager alogism alomancy alopecia alopecoid alphitomancy alphonsin alta alow alpenglow alpaca anatocism anatine anatreptic anapnea anastasic anastrophe analgia analects analemma anamorphic anamnesis anandrious anagnorisis anagogy anagraphy anapeiratic ananym anapest anaphia anaphalantiasis anaphora

1 comment:

  1. This information is very useful for me. I'll definetely share it with others!
